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Cyber ​​Monday topped Black Friday online sales

CHICAGO — The Thanksgiving shopping weekend kicked off with Black Friday, followed by Small Business Saturday and then into Cyber ​​Monday, a day that experts say could surpass Black Friday’s online shopping.

Adobe Analytics said Cyber ​​Monday could possibly top Black Friday, a record $9.12 billion spent, with much of the growth coming from electronics purchases.

Cyber ​​Monday is expected to be the second most popular shopping day of the Thanksgiving weekend, behind those who shopped online on Black Friday.

Small Business Saturday is sandwiched between the two holidays, with business owners saying they’ve seen a resurgence of interest in people doing their small shopping. Nearly 60 percent of holiday shoppers planned to attend this year’s Small Business Saturday with a desire to shop locally.

Cyber ​​Monday is expected to be the biggest shopping day online, with $11.2 billion in sales expected, up just over 5 percent from last year, according to Adobe Analytics.

A survey of more than 1,000 US consumers in October found that 64% of people said they would shop on Cyber ​​Monday, up 42% from last year.


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