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GM and Ford are taking a wait-and-see approach to Twitter advertising — deadline

General Motors Company suspends its advertising Twitterstating that he needed time to evaluate the new direction of the service afterwards Elon Muskto buy

The Detroit-based automaker revealed its plans to CNBC on Friday, saying it is “pausing” advertising but will continue to engage with customers on the platform.

“We are engaging with Twitter to understand the direction of the platform under their new ownership,” the company said in a statement. “As usual with significant changes to our media platform, we have temporarily suspended our paid advertising. Our customer service engagement on Twitter will continue.”

GM is a rival to Musk’s other company, Tesla, which makes electric cars. Surprisingly, Tesla itself does not engage in traditional advertising, but relies on various strategies to attract customers, including the use of social media influencers.

Ford Motor Co. CNBC reported that it is also evaluating the platform’s direction under Musk. Ford was not an advertiser on Twitter and claimed not to be an advertiser in the past. However, as CNBC pointed out, he did have at least one promotional tweet.

Ford also continues to engage with customers on Twitter without payment.

Musk’s takeover of Twitter has caused a lot of controversy among some factions. The new owner promised to restore accounts previously banned from the service and said he would only remove spam, bots and other junk. The goal is to promote free speech on the platform, Musk said.

Musk has planned a “content moderation board,” and he said the service won’t restore accounts or make major content decisions until it convenes. Musk also tried to reassure advertisers, saying earlier that Twitter would not become a “free hellscape” under his leadership.


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