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Hunters took 52,354 deer in the first weekend of firearms hunting

ILLINOIS (WHBF) — Illinois hunters harvested a preliminary 52,354 deer during the first weekend of the Nov. 18-20 Illinois deer hunting season, according to a news release.

By comparison, hunters harvested 48,964 deer in the first weekend of 2021.

Illinois’ seven-day firearms season will conclude Dec. 1-4. Other deer hunting opportunities in the coming weeks include:
• Muzzleload only deer season Dec. 9-11

• Late winter antlerless and chronic deficiency disease season (some counties only) Dec. 29-Jan. January 1 and 13-15

• The deer hunting season will continue until January 15. (Note: Bow hunting for deer is closed from December 1st through December 4th in counties with an open firearms deer season.)

For more information on deer hunting, open counties and other information, visit here.

Below is a table of preliminary total firearms recoveries in Illinois by county for the opening weekend of the 2022 season and comparable results for 2020 and 2021.

county 2020 year 2021 year 2022 year
ADAMS 1305 year 1311 year 1437 year
ALEXANDER 257 264 239
BUN 79 73 71
BROWN 559 572 655
BUREAU 639 612 609
CALHOUN 360 427 465
CAROL 355 373 331
KAS 384 386 423
CHAMPAGNE 163 143 137
CHRISTIAN 422 376 403
CLARK 630 692 721
CLAY 735 765 889
CLINTON 474 493 606
KOLZ 451 466 487
CRAWFORD 561 635 673
CUMBERLAND 544 531 542
DECALB 78 87 73
DEWITT 223 195 220
DOUGLAS 115 115 120
EDGAR 332 370 424
EDWARDS 227 273 317
EFFINGHAM 614 637 653
FAYETTE 986 1106 1184
FORD 80 81 86
FRANKLIN 749 848 956
FULTON 1202 1154 1249
GALLATIN 235 253 305
GREEN 638 612 634
GROUNDS 151 154 172
HAMILTON 661 729 741
HANCOCK 1056 1001 1128
HARDIN 420 515 548
HENDERSON 308 262 283
HENRY 291 268 275
THE IROQUOS 322 282 257
JACKSON 1230 year 1290 year 1484 year
JASPER 693 715 794
JEFFERSON 1087 1228 1249
JERSEY 350 416 425
JOE DAVIS 1029 830 843
JOHNSON 858 866 874
KANE 18 27 18
KANKAKEE 124 140 114
KENDALL 57 47 43
KNOX 686 720 737
LAKE 0 5 5
LAZAL 473 409 427
LAWRENCE 334 366 399
LEE 337 316 314
LIVINGSTONE 279 312 268
LOGAN 200 217 193
MACON 157 148 155
MAKUPIN 997 1003 1120
MADISON 384 460 509
MARION 917 998 1186
MARSHALL 408 393 412
MASON 256 258 249
MASS 220 238 268
McDonough 455 488 495
MCHENRY 172 181 129
MACLEAN 412 398 349
MENARD 213 214 215
MERCER 533 538 509
MONROE 670 710 856
MONTHOMERY 523 541 619
MORGAN 378 364 442
MOLTRY 143 146 158
COAL 442 394 356
PEORIA 545 567 576
FEATHERS 719 783 969
FRIDAY 90 83 89
PIKE 1033 987 1129
POPE 888 934 1068
PULASKI 178 190 222
PUTNAM 209 236 228
RANDOLPH 1341 year 1457 year 1518 year
RICHLAND 405 475 487
ROCK ISLAND 462 404 408
SALT SOLUTION 535 533 628
SANGAMON 330 354 327
SCHUYLER 763 833 904
SCOTT 176 209 190
SHELBY 825 864 883
St. CLAIRE 477 529 576
STARK 126 113 118
STEPHENSON 408 370 342
TAZUEL 314 339 352
UNION 773 795 812
VERMILLION 333 400 369
WABASH 102 118 122
WARREN 294 288 290
WASHINGTON 600 672 771
WAYNE 864 935 1015
WHITE 467 437 553
WHITE-SIDED 424 348 335
THE WILL 150 123 134
WILLIAMSON 950 1109 1287 year
WINEBAGO 194 167 154
WOODFORD 373 397 434
In total 47416 48964 52354


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