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Thanksgiving is a prime day for kitchen fires – Chicago Tribune

If the National Fire Protection Association were writing this story, it would probably read: Don’t roast a whole turkey on Thursday unless you know what you’re doing. The end

The association says Thanksgiving is the No. 1 day of the year for bonfires, followed by Christmas and Christmas. More than three times the average number of culinary infernos when Thanksgiving goes up in flames. Frying is especially scary: Fryer fires cause an average of five deaths and 60 injuries a year and cause more than $15 million in property damage, according to the NFPA.

“No matter how many years you’ve been cooking or how many Thanksgiving feasts you’ve served, you still need to make safety a top ingredient,” said Henry County Fire Chief Michael Black.

Experts warn that due to the intense heat, the turkey fryer should be handled with care. They can also tip over, spilling sizzling oil.

Putting a partially frozen turkey in a hot fryer is a particularly bad idea, as it can cause oil to splatter. If you decide to grill if you want on Thursday, experts recommend these safety tips.

1. Place the fryer on a flat, non-flammable surface, such as concrete, and several feet away from anything that could catch fire.

2. Defrost the turkey completely before cooking.

3. Keep children or pets away from it. An adult must supervise the fryer during cooking.

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4. Use a deep fryer with a thermostat.

5. Use potholders and gloves when handling the turkey.

Even if you take the safer route and stand near the pot, safety is still important. Experts recommend these tips to ensure a safe vacation.

1. Stay in the kitchen when cooking on the stove and keep an eye on the food.

2. Stay home when cooking the turkey and check on it often.

3. Keep children away from the stove, hot food and liquids (as well as candles and lit fireplaces, of course)

4. Make sure the smoke alarm is working.


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