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The community comes together to feed those in need | Main stories

SPRINGFIELD, ILLING. (WAND) – As families prepare for the Thanksgiving feast, some people won’t have a hot meal. However, Springfield resident Beth Ballinger makes it an annual tradition to help those in need.

“We make sure everyone has a piece of turkey, some ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans and bacon. This year we’ve had rolls, cookies and even pumpkin pie,” Beth Ballinger, founder of Feeding Springfield One Lasagna, told Chas .

With the help of her family and community, she is making the holidays special for everyone for the third year.

“Not just for veterans, seniors in high-rises, a few people in hotels, and for the first time, a group of young people in a sober home,” Ballinger said.

Despite the effects of inflation, community members still donated all the food. Bellinger also mentions that despite high gas prices, volunteers still deliver these home-cooked meals.

“We got everything we wanted for Thanksgiving. There are a lot of people who don’t have transportation or access to food. So we did everything we could to get them to them, we like meeting people,” said Ron Raswinkel, volunteer at the event.

“Either we were there, or we could be there. So we just want to give back. Beth does a wonderful job of supporting the community, and if these people don’t have transportation or a way to get good funds, we’re here to help,” said Shanin, a volunteer at the event.

After spending days in the kitchen, Ballinger says it’s all worth it because of her tradition of giving thanks.

“I think a lot of people have been where they didn’t know what they were going to eat, myself included. This way we bring everything together and they can just heat it up and eat it,” Ballinger said. .

If you would like to help with the next Ballinger event, please visit Facebook page for more information on upcoming events.

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