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Starting December 1, Chicago has a ban on overnight parking

CHICAGO — Chicago’s winter overnight parking ban will go into effect on December 1, when 107 miles of major streets across the city will be closed to parking from 3:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.

The Department of Street and Sanitation says that during snow and ice, parked cars on damaged routes slow down traffic and can create dangerous conditions.

Vehicles left parked in these designated roadways obstruct the snowplow and prevent the routes from being fully plowed and salted.

Violators will be towed and face a minimum $150 towing fee, a $60 ticket and a $25 daily storage fee.
Chicago residents are welcome to visit chicagoshovels.org for a map of the streets that are closed and to view the city’s snowplows in real time during the storm. Motorists can also visit chicagoshovels.org or call 311 to see if their vehicle has been towed due to the ban.


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