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UTA signs Fremantle brand head Sam Glynn to oversee brands in EMEA – deadline

EXCLUSIVE: UTA is creating an EMEA branch of its entertainment and culture marketing (E&CM) group and has contracted Fremantle Global Branded Entertainment head Samantha Glynn to oversee the new division.

The E&CM branch, which opened five years ago, serves the brand’s clients, and Glynn will take the lead in developing UTA’s international strategy in the space. There is already a branch in Los Angeles, New York and London, whose clients include Coca-Cola, Google and LinkedIn.

Glynn has already started and reports to E&CM co-heads Julian Jacobs and David Anderson.

“The boundaries of global entertainment are disappearing, the UK and EMEA creative markets are incredibly dynamic and we are in a great position to bring our clients into this space under Sam’s leadership,” said Jacobs.

Glynn said the company has “great opportunities to bring together culture, entertainment, strategy and delivery in a future-proof way.”

She has worked at Fremantle for almost a decade, joining as Vice President of Global Branded Entertainment before being promoted to Senior Vice President in 2019. Glynn’s departure is the second major Fremantle departure that Deadline has revealed in the past week, following Global Entertainment director Rob Clarke. retirement decision.

The move represents UTA’s latest push into EMEA following its acquisition of the company last year a strategic advertising campaign by MediaLink and a mega deal in June for a prestigious British agency Curtis Brown Group.


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