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“We don’t have to live like this”

Chicago Mayor Laurie Lightfoot used emotional expressions to condemn mass shooting at Colorado LGBTQ nightclub Saturday night, chirping: “I’m sick of this…”.

“How many people should be killed? How many lives have been torn apart? Until it really stops? We don’t have to live like this. And we should not die like this,” Lightfoot wrote on Sunday morning.

Authorities in Colorado Springs said a 22-year-old gunman opened fire at the Q Club in Colorado Springs, killing five people and wounding 18 before he was tackled by “heroic” patrons and arrested by police.

Lightfoot is one of the most prominent lesbian mayors in the United States

As mayor of Chicago, Lightfoot presides over a city plagued by chronic gun violence and criticized for not doing enough to combat high crime rates. Shootings, murders and carjackings have all skyrocketed during her administration, even though she claimed gun violence has dropped more than 10% in a year.

The mayor often chastises her political opponents for comments she says model bad behavior for the city’s children. But she will also use profanity and profanity in public, drawing accusations of hypocrisy. For example, Lightfoot compared her opponents in the 2019 mayoralty to the Prussians slumbering in the dark after revelations that Ald. Edward Burke was under federal investigation, announced “h… Clarence Thomas” after the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the landmark abortion ruling Roe v. Wade was leaked, and gave her message to former President Donald Trump “starts with F and ends with U.”

Lightfoot called for tougher gun laws to help stop mass shootings and street violence.

The Associated Press contributed.


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